Seigaku Kigen Oshō was trained by Kyozan Joshu Sasaki Rōshi for many years in Mount Baldy, California. After completing his monk training in 1999, Kigen was ordained as an oshō – a priest – and became vice-abbot of the Rinzai-ji Zen Temple in Los Angeles. In 2012 he came to Vienna as a Zen priest and a few years later, together with the BodhidharmaZendo and its members, founded the BergZendo Hohe Wand as a new training and seminar center.
More about Kigen Oshō here.
Seiun Genro Dai Oshō was the founder of BodhidharmaZendo Vienna. In 1974, he began his Zen practice with Kyozan Joshu Sasaki Rōshi in Mount Baldy, California. Shortly before his death in 2010, Genro Dai Oshō and the BodhidharmaZendo invited Seigaku Kigen Oshō to take over the BodhidharmaZendo as Oshō and meanwhile abbot.
More about Genro Dai Oshō here.